First annual meeting

The FamiliesAndSocieties first annual consortium meeting was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on January 8-10, 2014 at Tallinn University. The primary aim of the meeting was to present and discuss ongoing research and to facilitate communication among scientists and stakeholders.

Dr. Willem Adema from OECD provided the keynote speech: “Family outcomes and policies: are they converging across Europe?” followed by a presentation on “New Horizons for Social Sciences Research: Horizon 2020” by Marc Goffart, Project Officer from the European Commission.

In addition to the plenary, the meeting program included internal work-package sessions, a special workshop for stakeholders and open sessions for each work-package. Altogether 110 participants attended the meeting: members of the research teams from the 28 partner organizations, nine members of the Advisory Board and representatives of about 25 stakeholder organizations.




Photos: Tallinn University